Amazing artist Lata Mangeshkar and her similarly skilled sister Asha Bhosle have ruled the Bollywood music scene for quite a long time. Even after they are not, at this point dynamic in the business with more current ability assuming control over, their aggregate influence over the cognizance of music sweethearts the nation overstays solid as could be. For quite a long time, there have been unlimited discussions on their various styles of singing and even a supposed competition. Fans have energetically contended who is better. However, the sisters have never given even a trace of any dissension. 

On Lata Mangeshkar's 91st birthday, here's a gander at how Asha has seen their relationship. Mind-blowing as it might sound, Asha had once said how they never examine music when they meet. A New Indian Express article had cited Asha as saying before that Lata Didi and I once in a while talking about music. We are a family and we discuss extremely ordinary regular things. She is 90 years of age and in harmony with her life and environmental factors.

Asha has passionately restricted the possibility of a film on their lives. "Our lives are private and individual, and all things considered, I wouldn't care for us to turn into a theme for a film," she had included. 

Throughout the long term, there has been a lot of discussion and conversation on their relationship. The sisters seldom talk about it however every so often, Asha has opened up about it. Like when she once said how Gulzar had portrayed the two sisters. Asha had revealed to Bombay Times, that Gulzar Ji once expounded on this. He stated: 'Two individuals arrived on the moon in 1969 unexpectedly. The person who stepped on the moon first (Neil Armstrong) got well known while the other (Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin) who additionally stepped on the moon, wasn't similarly praised because he came next. Your sister came into this world-first so she is the sort of person she is. You came into this world after her, so you will consistently be contrasted with her.

A year ago in November, Lata must be hurried to the medical clinic after she whined of breathing issues. Subsequent to remaining in the clinic for quite a while, she got back to her home in Mumbai in December a year ago. Talking about the experience, Asha had told Mid-Day that she is back and we are thrilled. She is looking robust and generous. I was seeing her last night, and without a moment's delay, endless melodies that she has made undying with her voice returned racing to me.

Tags-Asha Bhosle, Lata Mangeshkar, Happy Birthday Lata Mangeshkar